
Sustainable Solutions For Our Most Important Resource

水 is the life source of every community, and our mission is to help preserve it by creating and maintaining safe, 非常高效。, and sustainable water facilities and processes. Our expertise in program and 施工管理 (PM/CM) and engineering have helped us transform the industry through some of the most complex water and wastewater projects in the world.


As a full-service partner in implementing conventional and advanced water and wastewater 治疗 technologies, we help our clients through their water management challenges with innovative, custom-tailored solutions to help sustainably meet the needs of a growing population.

As municipalities face emerging contaminants like pfa, our experts have the 经验 and resources to help manage, 减轻, 和纠正. From treatability testing to turn-key design-build and 施工管理 for new plants – or fit-to-need upgrades to existing facilities – we help municipal water customers meet these challenges head-on.


Our experts have built recycled wastewater 治疗 plants with membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology, constructed advanced ultraviolet (UV) disinfection facilities, and used reverse osmosis (RO) processes to transform saline water into millions of gallons of clean, 可饮用的水.

乔治亚州的Snapfinger Creek
在迪卡尔布县, 乔治亚州的Snapfinger Creek, 帕森斯交付设计, 施工管理, 成本估算, 价值工程, 操作与维护, 公众参与, and regulatory and permitted requirements for an advanced water 治疗 facility featuring membrane bioreactors.

As pfa continues to emerge as a major environmental contaminant, our experts are researching and developing improved management and remediation of pfa, including optimizing proven filtration technologies for the water reuse market at our Treatability Laboratory in Syracuse, 纽约.

Conventional And Advanced Technologies

Our world-class portfolio offering of water and wastewater services includes:

Our expertise involves a wide range of services, from availability studies to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting, 湿地描述, 海岸恢复.

涵盖存储的各个方面, 治疗, 交通工具, 膜处理系统, 包括海水淡化, we deliver innovative solutions to meet our clients’ needs.
干净的水是必不可少的, and we help keep it that way through sewers, 泵站, 污水处理厂, as well as a range of advanced processes in liquid and biosolids 治疗 and handling. pfa and other emerging contaminants are of rising concern, and as cities and states look for direct and indirect potable water reuse options, 我们的专家在这里IM体育试玩提供帮助.
工业产生废水, and our job is to ensure that it’s handled correctly, 而且不损害环境. From engineering and construction services to detailed design and 施工管理, we offer state-of-the-art technology and solutions to the oil and gas, 化学, 石化, 制造业, 生命科学产业.
A长期与合资伙伴合作, 帕森斯 supported the 圣安东尼奥供水系统(SAWS) in developing a program to diversify the city’s water sources. Through the reverse osmosis process, our experts helped transform brackish water into millions of gallons of 可饮用的水, to help meet the needs of San Antonio’s growing population for 50 years.


帕森斯 has worked with the Southern Nevada 水 Authority to help improve and increase the water supply to the Las Vegas area since 1993. Supporting more than $4 billion of infrastructure development, 帕森斯 has helped build numerous critical facilities and used innovative technologies and processes to meet the demands of growth and drought in Southern Nevada.


When the City of 夫勒斯诺市 needed to conserve valuable drinking water resources, they turned to 帕森斯 to design and commission a tertiary 治疗 and disinfection facility (TTDF) that could transfer non-potable water used for landscape irrigation or commercial and industrial use into recycled water.



Although more than 70 percent of the earth is covered by water, only a very small portion of that percentage is usable fresh water—which is essential to life as we know it. That’s why we’re continually striving to develop new and better ways to take care of this precious resource. Contact us today to learn more about our water and wastewater solutions!

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